About our private primary school

The project of the bilingual private primary school was founded on the basis of our experience with bilingual education of preschool children at the Royal Kindergarten in Prague Kobylisy. Based on the numerous wishes of the parents of the children of our kindergarten, we decided to create a follow-up study of bilingual primary education.

For a long time we have been looking for premises that meet the requirements of primary school operations. In this year we got to rent a beautiful building in the Prague Troja, where minor construction work is underway so that everything will be ready from 2nd of September, 2019 for our first graders.

Teaching in our bilingual Czech – English educational facilities takes place in the presence of a Czech teacher trained for teaching at a certain age and a native speaker of English. This form of teaching simulates conditions in bilingual families. Even young children manage this form of teaching very well because it is natural and the child is not stressed by having to speak one language in one hour and another by second hour. Children learn this way in a non-violent way, discover a new language and recognize it. With this type of educational system, the Royal Elementary School wants to build on several years of experience from the Royal Nursery School, where we achieve exceptional results with bilingual education. We strive to create a friendly and inspiring environment in which children feel safe, learn to communicate and tolerate each other, develop their independence, personality, and thus promote their self-esteem and the desire to know.


Zápis do 1. tříd pro školní rok 2025/2026

Královská základní škola v Praze-Troji otevírá dvě první třídy s celkovou kapacitou 32 dětí.

Termín zápisu:

  • Datum: 5. dubna 2025
  • Místo: Královská základní škola, Trojská 218/92, Praha 7 – Troja

Podmínky pro přijetí k zápisu:

  • Vyplnění a odeslání registračního formuláře do 21. března 2025
  • Účast na setkání s vedením školy před zápisem
Zápis do první třídy soukromé bilingvní školy v Praze Troji