School Board (council) – basic data



– Act No. 561/2004 Coll., on pre-school, primary, secondary, higher vocational and other education
(Education Act)
– Decree No 15/2005 Coll. laying down the formalities of long-term plans and annual reports.

School Council – purpose, composition, establishment

The school council is a school body which gives certain persons the opportunity to participate in the
administration of the school: legal representatives of underage pupils, adult pupils and students, teaching
staff, the founder, other persons.

This corresponds to the composition of the school board:
1/3 members – appointed by the founder
1/3 of the members – elected by the legal representatives of underage pupils and adult pupils and
1/3 members – elected by the teaching staff of the school


Pursuant to Section 167(1) of the Education Act, a school council is compulsorily established at primary,
secondary and higher vocational schools. School councils are established both at public schools
(established by the State, a region, a municipality or a union of municipalities) and at private and church
The school council is established by the founder, who also determines the number of its members and
issues its electoral rules (Section 167(2) of the Education Act). In private schools and church schools
which are not established in the legal form of a school legal entity, the tasks of the founder related to the
school board are performed by the school principal (Section 167(2) of the Education Act).

Appointment of school council members

It is at the discretion of the founder whom he or she appoints as a member of the school board.

However, the founder cannot appoint as a member of the school board:
– the director,
– a teaching staff member of the school,
– a person who is elected to the school board.


Membership of the school board

Membership of the school board shall be by appointment or election.
The term of office of each member of the school board (not of the school board as a whole) is three
years (Section 167(6) of the Education Act). A member of the school board may be appointed or elected
repeatedly. Membership of the Board of Education shall expire on the expiry of the term of office.

Activities of the school council

The school council shall:
– approve the annual report on the activities of the school
– approve the school rules
– approve the rules for the assessment of pupils’ learning outcomes (The rules for assessment in primary
school practice are found in the school regulations. In these cases, only one document is approved)
– approves the scholarship regulations
– comment on proposals for school curricula and their subsequent implementation,
– participates in the preparation of conceptual plans for school development,
– discusses the draft budget of the legal entity for the following year, since 1 January 2012 it no longer
has the competence to comment on the analysis of the financial statements,
– discusses inspection reports of the Czech School Inspectorate.
– Proposes amendments to the school and scholarship regulations,
– proposes measures to improve management,
– submits suggestions and notifications to the school principal, the founder, the state authorities and
other state administration authorities,
– submits a proposal for the announcement of a competition for the position of school principal.


Zápis do 1. tříd pro školní rok 2025/2026

Královská základní škola v Praze-Troji otevírá dvě první třídy s celkovou kapacitou 32 dětí.

Termín zápisu:

  • Datum: 5. dubna 2025
  • Místo: Královská základní škola, Trojská 218/92, Praha 7 – Troja

Podmínky pro přijetí k zápisu:

  • Vyplnění a odeslání registračního formuláře do 21. března 2025
  • Účast na setkání s vedením školy před zápisem
Zápis do první třídy soukromé bilingvní školy v Praze Troji